




高校生の頃に常田大希率いるmillennium parade、またそのメンバーでもある石若駿の音楽性に強く惹かれ、自身の作品スタイルの土台とするように。



山海塾 岩本大紀主宰の舞踏カンパニー「伊邪那美」の作品で音楽を手掛け、2022年SAI DANCE FESTIVAL COMPETITION部門にて優秀作品賞を受賞後、翌年は韓国にて開催されたDuo Dance Festivalに招聘。

かながわパフォーミングアーツアワード2024では、神田初音ファレル『懺肉祭 〜希求夜想曲Ver.〜』にて音楽を手掛け、作品がグランプリを受賞。また2023年5月に開催されたストレンジシード静岡では、辻本知彦・森山未來が立ち上げたユニット「きゅうかくうしお」の体験型作品『素晴らしい偶然をつないで』にDJ・音響でメンバーとして参加。


2024年2月には、高円寺にて自身初の個展「THE TENSION」、8月には「Point and Turn Slowly」を開催。

Born on July 20, 2004.

Sound artist from Toyama.

Started writing music concepts at the age of 14, and started creating music using Mac at the age of 16.

When she was in high school, she was strongly attracted to the musicality of millennium parade led by Daiki Tsuneda and its member Shun Ishiwaka, and began to use it as the basis for her own style of work.

She often uses "pain" as her concept, and creates her own unique sound in an improvisational way.

Recently, salta's means of expression are not only limited to sound, but also include physical expression, installation, photography, and a wide range of other forms.

She has composed music for the Butoh company "Izanami," led by Taiki Iwamoto of Sankai Juku, which won the prize for excellence at the SAI DANCE FESTIVAL COMPETITION in 2022, and was invited to the Duo Dance Festival held in Korea the following year.

In May 2023, she participated in Strange Seed Shizuoka as a DJ and sound designer for "Connecting Wonderful Coincidences," an interactive work by "Kyukaku Ushio," a unit founded by Tomohiko Tsujimoto and Mirai Moriyama.

She has also served as musician for several other events and performances throughout Japan.

Currently enrolled in Bigakko after graduating from Tonami High School in Toyama Prefecture.